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Gel nail Polish online store

Gel nail Polish online store

Advantages of gel Polish over other coatings.

Easy to apply, a huge palette of shades and high gloss make this coating one of the most popular and used in nail art. In General, so far, no other material for manicure is a worthy competition for gel Polish. Other advantages are listed below:

1. No pungent smell like normal lacquers.

2. the Ability to create not only one-color shades, but also a combination of different tones.

3. Perfectly match with rhinestones, stickers, sliders and other auxiliary elements.

4. The color saturation is maintained for several weeks.

Gel varnishes online store "Fiore" do not have a negative effect on the nail plate, especially if the coating was applied correctly and according to the technology.

Our manufacturer uses a safe formula in the process of creating gel Polish.

The main features of this coating.

The most important distinctive feature is undoubtedly the simplicity and ease of application, which is especially important among Amateurs and beginners in the field of nail art.

On the pages of our online store you can find a wide variety of ready-made shades of gel Polish. You can buy both one item and wholesale, which is very useful for beauty salons, manicure schools or specialty stores.

What is the secret of the lack of worthy competitors in gel Polish.

First of all, it is possible to easily combine different shades on one nail, thus creating all sorts of designs. Each subsequent layer of material makes the nail more protected.

The next advantage over competitors is the ease of removing the old layer. To do this, you can use a special composition that will easily help you cope with this task.

Many who use gel Polish, note the durability and protective effect of the coating. Even soft and bendable nails become stronger and more resistant to environmental influences.

All gel Polish online store "Fiore" is designed on unique environmentally friendly materials that do not cause any harm to human health. All products are certified and licensed.

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