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Affiliate program

Affiliate program is a type of cooperation in which you do not need to make purchases of goods.
By registering in the affiliate program you get an affiliate link, all orders on this link are tracked and recorded in your affiliate account.
Consider the possibilities of the affiliate program:
  • For example, you are a blogger and when recommending our products, you can specify your affiliate link, thereby receiving % of sales.
  • Or you can attract customers on popular sites, social networks, instagram, etc., all purchases will also be recorded on your affiliate link.
  • You can make an order for your friends, friends, or just interested buyers on your affiliate link and thus you get % of sales.
The advantages of the affiliate program is that You do not need to buy products, you can earn just advertising or placing an order for anyone.
The disadvantage of the affiliate program is that You get no more than 20% of the order, if you want to get a percentage more, then you should consider Cooperation with the purchase of products, in this case, your profit will be much Higher, for example, if you have a beauty salon, manicure school, outlet or you are a distributor, then you will be interested in

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