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The best base for gel Polish

Before buying the best base for gel Polish, you should understand the definition itself. So, the base is a protective surface layer that is applied to the nail plate, and then the gel Polish is applied directly on top of the base. The main task of the base is to ensure good adhesion (coupling) of the finish coating with the nail. However there are other important tasks:

1. Prevents the appearance of coloring pigments on the nail plate.

2. Makes the nail more even, hiding small defects.

3. Acts as a firming effect on the nail plate, thus preserving the coating for 2-3 weeks.

4. the Base allows you to slightly increase the nail, for example, the corners.

Due to the fact that the base contacts directly with the nail, it is very important that it does not have a negative impact on it.

The best bases for gel Polish.

At the moment, there are 3 different bases: solid, elastic and camouflage.

1. Solid. This coating is practically non-deformable after polymerization. Solid bases, as a rule, initially have a liquid consistency. In this regard, it is desirable to use a solid base skilfully, you need to have some experience, otherwise there is a probability of the appearance of cramps. A solid base does not allow you to build up the nail.

This base is perfect for strong nails, and with soft and bending it can peel off.

2. Elastic. This type of base in its original form is much thicker than the previous type, however, after drying and polymerization, they remain more flexible and plastic.

Elastic bases are very popular among Amateurs and beginners, because they are easy and convenient to work with, they do not spread and are perfectly aligned. In addition, this type of base allows you to slightly increase the nail. The elastic base is ideal for soft and flexible nails.

3. Camouflage. This is a base and "camouflage" in one bottle. This base is not transparent, and has a natural shade. Ready-made shades can be a large variety, but among the standard ones-pink, milk, beige. Camouflage base is often used to create a French manicure and is popular among office employees.

On the pages of our online store, you can find any type of database that is most suitable for your purposes. All products presented on the site have licenses and certificates. We work directly with the manufacturer, so the product is always available. We have only the best base for gel Polish!

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