Тел.: 8 800-101-79-29 (звонок бесплатный по РФ)
+7-920-060-24-02 Пн-пт с 8 до 19 по Московскому времени

The departure of the order during the day

All orders are shipped within one day.

Once You place your order, we collect it and prepare to send.

Delivery is quickly, our courier delivers collected the parcel at Your chosen delivery service.

After the transfer of the parcel to the delivery service we inform You of the number of origin parcel and You can track the entire path of its route.

We operate the largest delivery services (SDEK, Boxberry, Pickpoint, Russian Post, transport companies)

You can choose the most convenient delivery method.

All orders in excess of 2500 rubles are sent for free (by Russian Post, SDEK, Boxberry, Pickpoint)


Модули для Opencart 2.x - 3.x