Тел.: 8 800-101-79-29 (звонок бесплатный по РФ)
+7-920-060-24-02 Пн-пт с 8 до 19 по Московскому времени


Wholesale purchases from 10,000 rubles

the following discounts are available for Fiore gel varnishes:

when ordering from 10,000 rubles, 10% discount%

when ordering from 20,000 rubles, 20% discount%

when ordering from 30,000 rubles, a 30% discount%

when ordering from 40,000 rubles, 40% discount%

when ordering from 50,000 rubles, 50% discount%

*Discounts apply to bulk orders, excluding delivery. (we will ship to any TC)

If you want to become a representative, or buy in bulk, you can read the terms of cooperation

Модули для Opencart 2.x - 3.x