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Business on mediation. Dropshipping.

Almost every company or firm is engaged in mediation. This can be easily seen: recruitment agencies, real estate firms, stores, Department stores, trading firms — the whole essence of business is based on mediation, with the exception of manufacturers. Department stores buy products and things at wholesale prices, and then resell them in their own chain of stores and supermarkets.

The profit of the store / supermarket is obtained from the difference in wholesale price and retail — I think everyone knows. This is also the case in the service sector — they find a buyer, and the client pays money for the service of finding a job/house/apartment. In General, the point is clear.

Every day people, businesses, and consumers need a service. Not everyone has enough time to find the service that would be suitable for price and quality and satisfy all parameters. Digging up newspaper ads and searching the Internet is quite laborious and takes a lot of time, which modern man almost does not have.

So this is where the business will be based. You give them customers, and you get a percentage.

What do I need to start with?

You find a customer, offer them our products and get 5% of the transaction. If we talk about wholesale transactions, it is 1-3 thousand rubles per sale, and you can find 2-3 such clients a day

As for retail sales, we have an affiliate program, you place an affiliate link and the customer who came through it is Yours and You get 5% off every purchase. Just leave a link on thematic forums, groups, social networks, recommend products and the customer ordering rewards You with a partner percentage.

Advertising is the engine of progress.

Common truth. You will have to advertise your range of services very actively.

After all, your income will depend on the number of attracted clients.

In General, being an intermediary in something is much more interesting and instills business qualities that will allow you to open your own business. In addition, contacts and partners are being developed, which are priceless.

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