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How to choose a tool and a set of master pedicure cutters

How to choose a tool and a set of master pedicure cutters

 Master pedicure needs a set of tools and cutters much more than a manicure. Let's look at the basic tools that the master of pedicure uses:

1. Recognize cutters are used for rough areas of the side bolsters fingers,

2. Nippers for ingrown nail, remove with the convenient narrow cloths area of ingrowing of the nail, where you want can cut your nails,

3. Curette – a tool for cleaning dead cells, effectively used together with a softening keratolytic,

4. Scraper (pusher) – is also used in manicure for moving away the cuticle and cleansed of adhering pterygium,

5. Nail file for ingrown toenail. Use these files in advance, on well-steamed skin of the feet or the softened keratolytically. The fact is that due to the softening of the skin and nail plates are much softer than usual, which avoids even invisible eye damage. As a rule, the saw has two working surfaces at once. And if the first working surface is designed for cutting the nail plate, the second – rasp allows with minimal effort to smooth the edges of the nail, thereby reducing the probability of damage to the nail plate to a minimum.

Pedicure cutters can be divided into two groups:

 *for processing feet (can be diamond, garnet, carbide, that is reusable, as well as disposable caps, which are installed on a silicone base)

1. Rough grinding, used carbide and garnet cutters, as well as diamond with a black notch – the first stage of treatment of the feet, which eliminates the roughest and dry skin

2. Mid grinding uses carbide and garnet cutters and diamond blue notch

3. Polishing - used soft polishers, corundum, diamond cutters with a red notch

*for finger treatment

1. soft corundum truncated cones, milling cutters suitable abrasive, for processing and raising the cuticle,

2. drop cutter, classic pedicure cutter has a smooth side and rounded tip to avoid injuring sensitive cuticles, the most successful version of this cutter is a pomegranate cutter, the safest for these works.

3.diamond ball of soft abrasive or garnet ball for cuticle cleaning,

4. diamond ball of soft abrasive 1mm in diameter, helps to clean small areas where not to get close to larger cutters

I also want to say that when processing the toes do not try to open the pocket under the cuticle, it simply does not exist and such manipulation can only lead to damage to the skin, which can subsequently lead to inflammation and discomfort.

This kit can be recommended as the minimum required master, but again all individually and possibly in the work you will be comfortable with other cutters. 

Hardware Pedicure today is the safest procedure in the treatment of the feet.

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