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The manicure material

Being a manicure master and working in a beauty salon, certain expenses are necessary for the arrangement of the office, advanced training courses, and the purchase of raw materials. Most recently, each manicure material had to be purchased separately, but now it is possible to purchase all at once in one place. One of these places is our online store "Fiore", where you can buy wholesale and retail everything for manicure.

Today, nail art is quite actively developing. New drugs, tools, and other materials are added every year. Among the many consumable manicure materials, the following can be distinguished:

1. lint-Free paper napkins.

2. Protective nail tape.

3. Disposable gloves.

4. Paper and orange sticks.

5. Nail foil and bags for water treatments.

As a rule, all of the above are sold in one set, but they can also be purchased separately. It is advisable to purchase high-quality tools that can be found on the pages of our online store. Such materials allow not only to perform a manicure correctly, but also to prevent the appearance of various types of injuries on the hands. The availability of high-quality tools serves as a kind of indicator of the prestige of the master or salon.

There are additional tools that are needed in some cases, such as curettes, various foot files, and blades.

The main indicator of the quality of manicure tools is the quality of the raw materials from which they are made. Each master must have his own set – and our online store will help you purchase it.

In our assortment there are only high-quality materials that are produced by the Italian company "Fiore". Production is based only on high-quality and ecological raw materials. All products undergo special laboratory tests to detect allergic and any other effects on the human body. If necessary, we can provide each client with all the necessary certificates and licenses for the product being sold.

To order a manicure material, you need to contact us at one of the phone numbers listed in the header of the site, or leave an online request.

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