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diamond cutter 4
  • Brand: Professionail
  • Product Code: f4
  • Reward Points: 4
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 170.00 руб.
  • 80.00 руб.

- +
This product has a minimum quantity of 1

diamond cutter 4

Form The Flame

Diameter of the working part 2,3

The size of a Small tooth

Working part length 10 mm

manufacture of Russia

The working part of the cutter has the form of a narrowed ellipse, on the surface of which there is a diamond crumb of the corresponding abrasiveness. This tool is used for creating manicures and pedicures by masters or simple Amateurs. It consists of metal coated with an anti-corrosion protective layer. The product has increased wear resistance, therefore, will last long enough without losing its basic qualities. Simple storage and cleaning conditions make it easy to operate.

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diamond cutter 4

  • Brand: Professionail
  • Product Code: f4
  • Reward Points: 4
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 170.00 руб.
  • 80.00 руб.


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