Тел.: 8 800-101-79-29 (звонок бесплатный по РФ)
+7-920-060-24-02 Пн-пт с 8 до 19 по Московскому времени

We value every customer

We value relationships with each client, so we are ready to minimize your risks and provide products for sale.

If you want to evaluate the possibility of implementation, we offer the following option:

We supply you with the minimum volume of gel lacquers for sale (by 30-50 thousand rubles), as you sell, you report on the sale and make payment for the products, after that we send you more products.

1 we conclude a sales contract.

2 we send a set of varnishes for sale, some were sold (we sent a report and payment) and we sent them according to the list of sold + new items or more running positions.

3 stickers on the palette will be provided and the palettes themselves will be provided for coloring.

4 delivery to any transport company within Nizhny Novgorod

5 prices for the implementation of the column 30% in the price list, if you decide to work with full payment, then we transfer you to the best conditions

You do not risk anything, if the products are not sold, you can return them.

* Consumables, tools, equipment and other products are only 100% paid, this offer is only for Fiore gel varnishes.

What you need to start cooperation:

1 Send your organization's card to info@fiore-rus.ru with the subject of the letter "products for sale"

2 Sign the sales contract and send the original to us by mail

3 Let us know your preferences for the shades of gel lacquers, or we will assemble a set of all shades of 1 pc.

within 3-5 working days, from the moment of receipt of the original contract, we collect your order and ship it to the transport company of your choice.

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