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Manicure set wholesale

Not all women and girls can afford, and do not want, to go to beauty salons. Therefore, very often there is a desire to take care of their own hands on their own. This significantly reduces financial costs and time. To be able to work at home, you must purchase special materials. We offer to order a set of manicure wholesale on our website. This does not mean that our products are of poor quality. Joint purchases from us are made not only by Amateurs, but also by professionals, shops and beauty salons. The quality of the products is checked, and the prices are pleasantly different from the rest.

Depending on what type of manicure you plan to do (hardware or classic), you will need a suitable set. Their difference consists in the principle of operation and the presence of various parameters. The quality of the work depends on the tools used by the master. Everyone wants to take care of their nails, but not everyone has the opportunity to do it properly. Our manicure kits will help you with this.

Set for mechanical manicure

First of all, this includes saws that have different sizes and degrees of abrasiveness. Also, there are necessarily blades for the cuticle and scissors. Sometimes, the mechanical set includes special liquids that will help you in nail care: oils, milk, creams, varnishes.

It is recommended to take steaming baths for a while before starting the machining process, so that the skin softens, especially roughened. This will make it safer to do a manicure, eliminating the possibility of causing pain or discomfort.

Electric manicure set

It has a wide popularity, because unlike mechanical tools, this set includes more convenient tools. Namely:

- electrical appliance;

- felt discs;

- brushes;

- sanding attachments;

- various tools for working with the cuticle;

- cutters for working with rough skin.

By the number of tools, the sets may differ significantly from each other. It is important to understand exactly what purposes you are making a purchase for. If this is a beauty salon, then you need professional kits that include many components. And if you buy a set for home use, you will have a fairly simple and uncomplicated option.

Whatever it was, on our website you can order any set of manicure wholesale. You will not need to scroll through countless websites and online stores to find products that are suitable for your purposes. We have a large selection of different kits and you can order them with just a few clicks.

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