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TM Fiore
1. How to remove gel Polish Fiore?
-Using liquid for removing gel Polish (must contain acetone):
Zapilivaetsya the top protective layer of gel Polish, cotton pads cut to the size of the nail, soaked in liquid to remove the gel Polish is applied on nails and top are wrapped with foil, and hold for 10-15 minutes, remove cover orange stick or pusher
- Using ceramic cutters for 10-20 minutes
2. As long worn gel Polish Fiore?
To wear gel Polish Fiore is rigid enough to please more than three weeks of the winner of the manicure with this coating, a lot depends on the quality of the wizard and the proper selection of material in accordance with the condition of nails. Recommend for weak nail plate to apply a Rubber Base Coat for strong and healthy nails it is possible to use Base Coat.
3. How many layers falls color gels Fiore?
Color gels Fiore fits into 2 layers, more dense and dark shades of fall in 1 layer of pastel, translucent and light shades in 2 layers. Gel Polish Fiore not fluid and very easy to apply near the cuticle. First coat apply thin, fairly well wrung out brush, the second more densely aligning coating and evenly distributing the color.
4. What type of base stronger and how you can further strengthen your nails?
The strong base is a Rubber Base Coat(rubber base), suitable for weak nails and is thick enough to line the nail plate. To further strengthen the coating, you can stir in the base, transparent acrylic powder, put the second layer of the base without the acrylic powder, then color, and top as usual. Sticky layer, it is desirable to remove between layers of coating in order to avoid later chips.
5. What types of designs possible with gel Polish Fiore?
With this brand possible almost any design: drawing clear lines and colors, abstraction, gradient, pinning of crystals, broken glass, sliders, top sticky layer holds tirki, sequins and a variety of bulk designs. Into consideration to consider the moment that the gel Polish is not flowing and to perform a flowing or blurred designs (e.g. gradient) requires a special brush with more frequent and not dense hairs, which are specially designed for this purpose, to perform a translucent design, for example, drawing the petals of flowers should be in the top to add color to create right color, too, when you draw a stone texture.
6. Some top more socks from gels Fiore and what is more glossy (shiny)?
The gel varnish Fiore are two kinds of top Top Coat (adhesive layer) and the No wipe top (without adhesive layer). Both glossy convenient in application, to the best fluid, with rapid manipulation, it is possible to align cover them. To give priority to one or another tank is not possible because the master chooses the convenience of either type applied to a particular coating or design. In terms of wearability including coverage, they are equal and do not affect the wear time of the coatings in General, both help him to stay longer than 3 weeks.
7. Hypoallergenic gels Fiore?
The gel varnishes Fiore was tested a few months experts of the company in different age groups of individuals, cases of allergic reactions have not been identified, but individual intolerance to the components of the chemical composition of the gel Polish possible.
8. What is the brush with the gel varnish Fiore?
Brush with the gel varnish Fiore specially designed for ease of coating, moderately thick with a thin plastic and artificial hair. This brush is convenient to apply the coating very close to the cuticle, passing her movements along the cuticle and side bolsters and in combination with non-SAG gel Polish Fiore coating can be performed smoothly and as close as possible.
9. The technology of the coating of gel varnish Fiore?
These gel polishes are three-phase (contain base coat, color,top), therefore we need the following phases in the coating:
- to prepare nails: manicure, rasp the free edge, polished (processing buff) and degrease the nail plate,
- apply primer Fiore and give him a little dry,
- apply a selected base or Rubber Base Coat or Base Coat,
- apply the color in 2 or 3 layers,
- apply the selected top or Top Coat or No wipe top.
At all stages't forget to seal the end of the nail plate during application of the coating, the coating will be much stronger.
10. What is the elasticity (flexibility) of gel varnish Fiore?
The gel varnishes Fiore designed for the application of a well-fortified nail, the optimum thickness of the coating according to the gel Polish in the region of 1 mm or slightly more, nail plate, after the coating malosilka may be susceptible to damage in case of strong bumps or undue stress.
11.Shelf life of gel varnish Fiore?
The bottles of gel varnish Fiore stated the expiration date in the open state of the bottle – 3 years, in practice these materials are stored in compliance with storage conditions in a dark closed room (the box) more than 3 years.
12. The drying time of gels Fiore in Led lamps and UV?
The recommended drying time under Led lamp power not below 36 Watt - 30 seconds in a UV lamp – 2 minutes. Recommended drying times denser shades to increase under Led-lamp 30 seconds, UV lamp 1 minute (usually it is black and dark dense shades)
13. Burn out if in the summer the gel varnishes Fiore?
The gel varnishes Fiore specifically designed with the stability of color, so they do not fade either summer or winter, worn without color change.
14. If yellow top gel varnish Fiore?
None of the tops brands Fiore not yellowing Top Coat (adhesive layer)is not No-wipe top (without adhesive layer), that is not unimportant in light coatings and classic French.
15. Is it possible the chipped in the process of wearing the covering?
Chipped to wear coating, usually due to an error in the technology of coating, or a weak condition of the nail plate (which is corrected by applying a base Rubber Base Coat with strengthening acrylic powder – usually this is sufficient when properly applied), or undue stress on the nail plate with the coating (either physical shock or exposure to household chemicals in the nail plate). In any case, the technology of gel varnish Fiore today one of modern and highly durable, which ensures a high percentage of long-term coverage among the various coatings on the market
16. Does gel Polish Fiore on the condition of nails, their health and color?
Gel Polish Fiore must be correctly applied and removed from the surface of your nails, how to remove it we have described in the opening paragraph is the most basic condition. Covering with gel-varnish Fiore creates an additional protection of the nail plate, protects it from shock, excessive physical activity, especially if it is weak. After removing any gel Polish the nail plate needs a few days to restore the hardness, so it is recommended to apply the therapeutic coating within 5-7 days after removing gel Polish, color nail plate is not changed after removing the gel Polish Fiore, nails look healthy and natural. For the health of your nails is recommended to lubricate the cuticle and side bolsters, special oil, this procedure can be done without gel Polish and after coating, as for healthy nails it's important food their in the growth zone, i.e., in the cuticle zone. One of the benefits, already proven as a fact that the cuticle grows slower when covered by the nail plate with gel Polish, this fact is likely likely because gel Polish is an additional protection of the nail, the same function performs the cuticle.
17. Question: is it Possible to align top Fiore with an adhesive layer or top coat no sticky layer, No wipe coat coating? Liquid he or quite thick?
Both top Fiore medium liquid which does not allow them to align the cover to align cover perfect rubber Rubber base base coat - it is possible to align the nail plate and make strengthening. Both top in the final stage to protect the cover and burnish is their main task