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Palette of a fan(Transparent) 50 PCs.
  • 150.00 руб.
  • 90.00 руб.

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This product has a minimum quantity of 1

You are presented with a convenient layout in the form of a fan for various colors. Material - transparent plastic, on which any varnish and other materials are well grasped. This is an ideal opportunity to experiment with design and then demonstrate them to potential customers. A similar fan, which includes 50 pieces of petals, is used by both professional masters and lovers of their craft. Everything rests on a metal base - it is convenient to remove and insert samples.

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Palette of a fan(Transparent) 50 PCs.

  • 150.00 руб.
  • 90.00 руб.


Tags: Palette of a fan(Transparent) 50 PCs.

Модули для Opencart 2.x - 3.x